Latest News
Trade Bill Debate
Brexit: Alex Sobel Challenges Government on the Environment and Northern Ireland
Three Labour Remainers (in a pub)
MP quizzes experts over biodiversity post Brexit
Local MP ‘Crucial’ to Article 50 extension
Indicative Votes – How I Voted
Alex Sobel Speaks at People’s Vote March
This week’s votes on Brexit. How I voted.
Alex Sobel Asks on Behalf of Constituents at Prime Ministers Questions
Alex speaks in the European Union Withdrawal Act Debate
MP Hits Out at ‘Eagles Fan’ Prime Minister in House of Commons Exchange.
Alex Sobel Focuses on Northern Manufacturing at Pro Europe Conference
Customs Bill Comes To Parliament. How I voted.
MP discusses Brexit impact with Pool-in-Wharfedale paper manufacturer
EU Withdrawal Bill- How I Voted on the Lords’ Amendments.
Keir Starmer Outlines Brexit Vision at Leeds Event
My Brexit Red Lines