Alex Sobel has today welcomed the news that Pool C of E Primary School will be included into the Prince Henry’s admissions policy but still has ‘major concerns’ over the impact of Multi Academy Trusts in Leeds Schools.
Prince Henry’s recently consulted on plans to include children currently at Bramhope Primary School in their policy.
Mr Sobel met with Pool C of E Primary school Governors in the summer and represented the concerns of the school to Prince Henry’s who felt strongly that their pupils would miss out as a result of this change.
Now Prince Henry’s have amended their policy to include Pool, alongside Bramhope Primary School.
In their consultation report Prince Henry’s said; ‘In response to feedback from the consultation, the original proposal will be amended so that the Admissions Policy over subscription criteria for Prince Henry’s Grammar School will include a preference to students attending two named feeder primary schools ; Bramhope Primary School and Pool Church of England Primary School.’
Responding to the news Mr Sobel said, “This is a welcome change to the proposals and I am glad Prince Henry’s have responded to the concerns that I raised regarding Pool C of E. I know that this news will be very welcome to children and parents in Pool.
However, I still hold deep reservations about this Multi Academy Trust due to the overall effect it has on schools in Leeds. Leeds schools are proven to be more successful as maintained schools with local accountability and must work together for the benefit of all Leeds children.”