The events in Gaza and Israel have for me like for so many of you brought grief and heartache.
Its taken me a little while to put into words what I think and feel. Here is my statement.
Words are never enough but here is what I have.
If you need support because you have experienced hate there are some contacts below:
Stop Hate UK support individuals and communities who have been impacted by hate crime. Any incidents of hate crime can be reported on
The Community Security Trust (CST) has published a number of resources on their social media feeds, including guidance on how to communicate about Israel in a non-antisemitic way. A host of other resources can be found on their website here:
CST also have a national emergency number which should be used to report anti-semitic attacks, alongside calling 999: 0800 032 3263.
Tell Mama is a confidential support service for those suffering from anti-Muslim hate and discrimination across the UK. Their website features a number of different ways to report anti-Muslim incidents, including via phone or WhatsApp:
The site also hosts useful resources, including on mosque security.